World Footwear


COVID-19: Chilean digital commerce accelerated at least 5 years in 2020

Premium ContentJan 27, 2021 / Chile
We spoke with FEDECCAL, the Chamber of Leather, Footwear and Allied Industries, to understand the main impacts of the pandemic in the country's footwear trade in 2020. We also discussed the acceleration of digital commerce in Chile last year, much driven by COVID-19

South Africa: industry impacted by slow retail sales

Premium ContentJan 27, 2021 / South Africa
We spoke with Jirka Vymetal, Executive Director at SAFLIA, the Southern African Footwear & Leather Industries Association, to learn more about the current situation of the pandemic in the country and the impacts it is having on the footwear industry

Germany: closed stores are the big issue for this industry

Premium ContentJan 26, 2021 / Germany
Currently holding the 10th position in the list of countries with more cases of peope infected with COVID-19 since the outbreak of the pandemic, Germany currently has a stern lockdown in place. We spoke with HDS/L - Federal Association of German Footwear and Leather Goods Industry to learn what is happening with the local industry

France: the main problem for footwear is the drop in demand

Premium ContentJan 26, 2021 / France
Contrary to other European countries, currently France has not imposed a lockdown, although stores have to be closed by 6pm everywhere in the country. According to the French Footwear Federation the main problem impacting the footwear sector is the drop in demand

Italy: footwear SMEs in difficult situation

Premium ContentJan 26, 2021 / Italy
The Italian government has split the country’s regions into three zones, which determine the extent of restrictions applied in each moment. There are currently no restrictions to footwear manufacturing, but Assocalzaturifici's President says the situation is not good for SMEs

How is COVID-19 impacting the footwear industry in different countries?

Premium ContentJan 26, 2021 / World
With the world fast approaching 100 million cases of infected people and with vaccination now in place in several countries, we did a round of conversations with footwear associations across the world to understand what the current situation of the footwear industry is in their countries, and to learn where and in what conditions are footwear stores open

Malaysia: the industry is stopped

Premium ContentJan 25, 2021 / Malaysia
Malaysia is facing another wave of COVID-19 and is currently under Movement Control Order 2.0 since the 13th of January. This is planned to long until the 2nd of February, but might extend further

Spain: third wave of the pandemic hits the country

Premium ContentJan 22, 2021 / Spain
As the country is living another wave of the pandemic, we have spoken to FICE, the Federation of Spanish Footwear Industries to learn the latest about the impacts of COVID-19 in the Spanish footwear industry

Portugal: retail closes, manufacturing is functioning as usual

Jan 18, 2021 / Portugal
The country is living in another State of Emergency, at least until the 30th of January. Industry, distribution and schools remain open and functioning as usual. Non-essential retail is once again closed

Brazil: Footwear sector to grow 19% in 2021

Jan 12, 2021 / Brazil
The forecast is made by Abicalçados, the Brazilian Footwear Industries Association (Abicalçados), and follows a fall in year 2020 estimated to be around 25%. This placed the production of the Brazilian footwear industry at the same level as the one registered 16 years ago

Portuguese Shoes: Keep on Dreaming

Jan 5, 2021 / Portugal
The Portuguese Footwear Association has launched a new promotional video presenting the competitive arguments of the Portuguese footwear industry. Check it out here

Zimbabwe: leather industry calls for Government support

Jan 5, 2021 / Zimbabwe
The National Leather Working Group has asked the local Government to intervene on the duty structure for components used in the industry which are usually imported. High fees on chemicals, equipment and other manufacturing inputs are too high, they claim

The countdown for the Safety Footwear Revolution Week is on

Nov 3, 2020 / Portugal
From the 23rd to the 26th of November 2020 a fully digital and virtual conference is being organised by AMF SAFETY SHOES, TOWORKFOR, and ALOFT with an aim to discuss and reflect on 4 main revolutions impacting the Footwear Manufacturing sector

Footwear production increased by 21.2% over the last decade

Premium ContentSep 8, 2020 / World Footwear Yearbook
Worldwide footwear production has increased by 21.2% since 2010 at an average yearly growth rate of 2.2%. This is one of the main conclusions of the World Footwear 2020 Yearbook launched by APICCAPS

33% of supply chain leaders moved business out of China or plan to do it by 2023

Jun 30, 2020 / United States
A Gartner survey with 260 global supply chain leaders held in February and March 2020 found that 33% had moved sourcing and manufacturing activities out of China or are planning to do so in the next two to three years
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