The nomination was announced by the country’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The authorities have set an ambitious aim for the Leather industry’s exports earnings
While announcing its fourth quarter and fiscal year results the US-based company has also confirmed it has a plan to close 30% of its stores within the next two years
The US-based manufacturer and distributor of branded footwear, accessories and apparel confirmed annual revenue in line with the previous year, with the Timberland brand revenue up by 4% in the fourth quarter
The California-based sportswear collection has been recognized with a design excellence award in the children’s category from trade publication Footwear Plus
The growth of 62% in footwear imports so far this year combined with the fall in domestic consumption and the rise in production costs had a strong impact on the sector
JC Penney believes this to be the right strategy to adjust the business allowing it to effectively compete against the growing threat of online retailers
The Asian country is one of the main footwear producers and exporters, and the US the largest consumer market for shoes. In 2016 Vietnam's footwear exports to the US grew by 9%
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