World Footwear


Matt Priest talks about FDRA and FFANY joining forces

Jun 18, 2020 United States
Matt Priest talks about FDRA and FFANY joining forces
This deal, which will place FFANY (Fashion Footwear Association of New York) under the Footwear Distributors & Retailers of America (FDRA) hierarchy, later in the year, follows years of talks about a possible union between the two parties
The deal is pending the FDRA’s board approval.

“The two organizations have a lot in common in terms of members, board members, and strategic goals”, tell us Matt Priest, President and CEO at the Footwear Distributors & Retailers of America.

The FDRA has been dedicating their efforts to enhance the membership offerings and broadening the platform for all footwear companies to come together on a variety of different initiatives and areas of mutual concern. By becoming part of this, FFANY will have access to the FDRA’s membership infrastructure which will allow them to “enhance its vitality and have access to all that we do for the industry”, Matt adds.

When we asked Matt about the possible changes we can expect for the FFANY events he said this will be a “longer-term conversation our industry is having around trade shows as a whole”.  The FDRA sees the New York market week as of high value for the industry and expects FFANY to evolve in an environment which will for sure be “led by our industry with FDRA as a facilitator. With a robust infrastructure of show rooms and innovative companies, I am quite optimistic about the future of a robust and consistent footwear market in New York City for years to come”, Matt concluded.

With FDRA and FFANY joining forces, this will be more of a formalization of a reality that has been in place for many years, than a surprise.  “We have long partnered with FFANY on a variety of events and initiatives.  We know the organization intimately. This will allow us to continue to serve our mandate as an organization focused on enhancing business for our members whether via advocacy, collaboration, events, or connections.  FFANY fits well into our model and I am anxious to get started”, Matt concluded.

Image credits: Footwear News

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