New qualifications for designers of sustainable footwear

The Erasmus+ SHOEDES training project aimed at promoting initiatives towards sustainable product designers is calling out footwear designers, industry technicians and students to take part of the project by filling out training needs questionnaire
Topics such as Sustainability or the Circular Economy are on the agenda of the players of the footwear industry. Customers are increasingly looking to respond to market requests, which, in turn, are looking for more environmentally friendly footwear.
To achieve this it is necessary that companies, namely product designers, have adequate knowledge at this level. It is in this context that the Erasmus+ SHOEDES (More information here) training project emerged, aiming to promote initiatives oriented to sustainable product designers. An online course, manuals and lectures are some of the tools that are provided for in this project and which aims to provide these professionals with skills, knowledge and information to be able to develop footwear for the circular economy under a holistic approach.
In order to develop the right tools for the needs of the market, the partners of the SHOEDES project are carrying out a group of surveys of the training needs in the different countries involved. This research involves designers, technicians and students in order to identify gaps in skills and training needs for existing and new (aspiring) designers who want to pursue this career in the footwear sector.
Therefore, the partners of the project are requesting the collaboration of these professionals to fill out the forms below.
All responses will be strictly confidential.
Results will be used for statistical purposes only and will be reported in aggregate form only.
Questionnaire for industry technicians HERE
Questionnaire for students HERE
Questionnaire for designers HERE
For more information abou the Erasmus+ SHOEDES please refer to the project website.