World Footwear


86th edition of Micam kicks off

Sep 16, 2018 Italy
86th edition of Micam kicks off
The footwear world is getting together at Fiera Milano for four days for the traditional autumn appointment with MICAM, an event promoted by Assocalzaturifici, now in its 86th edition
In an area covering 62 267 square metres, a total of 1.396 exhibitors, 778  Italian  and  618  foreign  brands,  will  present  a  preview  of  their  Spring/Summer collections for the following year, offering a comprehensive range of high-quality, well- designed and innovative products.

“Unfortunately, the 86th edition MICAM opens in an economic climate that continues to be unfavourable” says Annarita Pilotti, chair of Assocalzaturifici, adding: “The upswing in the sector failed to materialise, even in the first half of 2018. The first five months of the year saw a rise in exports in terms of value (+3,2%) but a slight drop in the number of pairs of shoes exported (-1,7%). Domestic demand is static (-1,6% in expenditure); and the persisting difficulties in areas of vital importance for our exports continue to cause concern. In the CSI area, in particular, the upswing recorded in 2017 has ground to a halt, and the first five months in 2018 show a drop of 6% in terms of value, with a downturn of 9.1% for Russia”.

The exhibition’s traditional role as a reference point is now more important than ever before",  Annarita  Pilotti  goes  on  to  say, claiming Micam to be the place "to look for answers to the challenges of an increasingly complex global market in which all players need to rethink their positioning strategies”.

The trade show confirms its format, maintaining the by now familiar areas while also including a number of special areas and events designed to promote the footwear supply chain and engage visitors.

The ambitious re-styling project inspired by the three canticles of Dante’s Divine Comedy continues: after Lust, Seduction and Vanity, Italian footwear’s allegorical  journey  moves  on  to  one  of  the  most  widely  indulged-in  capital  sins, particularly applicable to the fashion world with all its irresistible fascination: Envy.

Some events at the 86th edition of the fair

The exclusive “Envy is in the heel” soiree, taking place today, will be preceded by a prize-giving ceremony during which the prestigious “MICAM Award” will be assigned to the best foreign buyer and to a selected group of Italian buyers in activity for over 100 years.

Starting from this edition, fashion shows will be staged at thw Fashion Square in Pav. 1 every day at 12.45, while the number of seminars organised by WGSN is to be increased and the programme split between the Fashion Square in Pav. 1 and the Micam Square in Pav. 7.

Customised sneakers will be the  protagonists of  the  Fun  Square,  in Pav.  4. There visitors will find “Sneakers&Chill”, a start-up launched by three creative young people from  Paris  who  will  personalise  the  sneakers  of  anyone  who  wants  free  of  charge, making them truly unique.

In the “Luxury” area of Pavilion 1, a Barber’s Shop sponsored by Proraso and Tenax will be set up in the centre of the Man Square. In the famous square dedicated to men’s care and well-being, there will be two barber chairs where men can book to have a traditional shave free of charge or to have their beards trimmed and styled.

Art and originality are the key features of the Style Square in Pav. 3 - where world- famous  body-painter  Johannes  Stötter  will  wow  the  public  and  trade  visitors  at MICAM with his live performances, creating real works of art on human bodies.

Th 86th edition of Micam takes place in Milan, starting today and until the 20th of September.

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