Argentinian footwear industry should grow by 10% over 2019

The forecast is from the President of the Chamber of the Footwear Industry, who noticed that companies would still be working at full capacity to meet demand at least in the first week of December
Ordinarily, Argentinian companies diminish production capacity from the 10th to the 15th of November. Given the new conjuncture, Alberto Sellaro, President of the Chamber of the Footwear Industry (CIC), even added that he was thinking of hiring more workers for his own company in 2022.
In an interview to the local newspaper El1Digital, Mr. Sellaro stated that, despite some uncertainty, the domestic growing consumption in the country indicates that Argentina is “recovering from the crisis” and it hopes “to close the year with growth of 10% with respect to 2019”. Both official and private economic reports concur with this projection.
The President of the Chamber of the Footwear Industry has also highlighted the role played by the Government in the control of the prices of the products imported from Asian countries and the assistance provided to the companies during the pandemic period, which allowed companies of 50 or more employees to await the reopening of the factories when required.
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