World Footwear


AAFA advocates for digital labelling

Jun 17, 2020 United States
AAFA advocates for digital labelling
The American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA) is calling for the ability to provide digital labels. The association has sent a letter to the US Federal Trade Commission urging that the labelling requirements are updated
Last week, AAFA sent a letter to the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) urging that the agency update labelling requirements to make apparel labels more accessible for consumers. "As the technology is now available to move required information on apparel labels to a digital platform, we believe that it would benefit our industry to work towards the legalization of digital labelling in place of physical labels".

The US regulatory framework and those of many other countries, still mandates this information also be physically present, by being permanently attached to the product. Bearing this in mind the AAFA believes "it is now time to update the regulatory and legislative framework to allow this same information to be provided on a digital platform, accessible through smaller labels, as a replacement of the current system".

According to the AAFA, the advantages on a digital labelling would cover: the removal of uncomfortable tags which conduct to the reduction of irritation caused by physical labels; ensures critical care, fibre, and other key information is always available and up to date to the consumer; improves consumer accessibility to labelling information; shrinks the environmental impact of physical labels.

The letter is available HERE:

The AAFA also sent a letter to the US Federal Reserve and Treasury Department regarding the credit insurance crisis faced by the industry.

Image credits: Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash

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