World Footwear


Inspiramais gathered fashion and industry news in São Paulo

Jan 22, 2020 Brazil
Inspiramais gathered fashion and industry news in São Paulo
Consumer behaviours, trends, and conducting business were at the heart of Inspiramais, which took place between the 14th and the 15th of January in São Paulo, Brazil
Inspiramais is delivered by the Centre for the Brazilian Tanning Industry (CICB), the Brazilian Association of Companies of Components for Leather, Footwear, and Artifacts (Assintecal), Abit, Tex Brasil, By Brasil Components and Chemicals, and the Brazilian Leather project, a partnership between the CICB and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) to stimulate leather exports.

The showcase included the participation of 16 tanneries. During the event it was possible for all participants to set up commercial relationships, while sharing industry knowledge and views on the future of consumption, fashion, and society.

The event is highly focused on information as refcleted in the 30 presentations and debates organized in parallel with the trade fair. "Key points of the two busy days were the appreciation of experience, people, and ancestry; prioritizing sustainable practices; and giving ample space to quality. These movements are already underway in the fashion industry and present several opportunities for leather - a material with attributes such as unlimited possibility for creation, excellent resistance, and natural sustainability".
2020 was a clebratory year for Inspiramais as the event marked its 10th anniversary. The event taking place every six months, wants to consolidate its image as the only design and material innovation fair in South America. The upcoming edition of Inspiramais will be held on the 7th and the 8th of July 2020.

Numbers and Figures

Visitors: 7 800
Presentations and Debates: 30
Materials on Display: over 1 000
Buyer Project: 30 buyers, from six countries, over 800 sales meetings
Special Project Exhibits: 6- One of which was the Leather Preview, presenting the anticipation of upcoming trends.
International Business on behalf of the Buyer Project: 1.5 million US dollars

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