Final countdown to the next UITIC Congress has now begun

With the definitive programme closed, expectations grow for the 21st edition of the International Congress of Technical Footwear, which will be held from the 20th to the 22nd of September in Milan
After a complementary programme of factory and institutional visits on the 19th, the official programme begins with a visit to the Simac Tanning Tech trade show and Lineapelle the following day. The next two include a series of conferences and thematic panels aimed at addressing different aspects related to sustainability, innovation and digital transformation in the footwear sector, with the contribution of speakers and panellists from all around the world.
The 21st edition of UITIC will also feature a new addition to the congress's package, namely, the Innovation Showcase, a space where research centres, institutions and companies from China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Romania and Spain will be presenting their work to showcase “the capability of the research and innovation network that supports the footwear world in its digital and sustainable transition”, reads the programme.
For more information about the event, which is being organized by the International Union of Shoe Industry Technicians (UITIC), with the support of the National Association of Italian Manufacturers of Footwear, Leather Goods, and Tanning Technologies (ASSOMAC) and the Messe Frankfurt Italia, please refer to its official website.
Image Credits: Daniel Seßler on Unsplash