World Footwear


Argentina’s footwear consumption on high

Oct 29, 2015 Argentina
Argentina’s footwear consumption on high
Consumption has increased in Argentina, consultancy firm IES has announced. Forecasts indicate apparent consumption will close the year on the rise
Footwear consumption in Argentina increased by 4.9% in the first eight months of 2015, compared to the same period in 2014, according to figures recently announced by Argentina-based company Investigaciones Económicas Sectoriales (IES).

According to the IES forecasts, a likely scenario projects production of 119 million pairs (1 million below the production levels in 2014).

The same source indicated that for the entire year of 2015 it is estimated that apparent consumption would stand at 138 million pairs, representing a slight increase of around 3%, and creating additional demand that would be covered by a higher volume of imported products.

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