Sri Lanka can improve Footwear and Leather Industry

By getting close to South Asia, Sri Lanka can promote the Footwear and Leather Industry. South Asia is the second fastest economic growth region in the world. Sri Lanka´s exports of footwear and leather products in 2012 were $10 and $16 million.
The Government has identified the footwear industry as a growing industry. The industry has export potential and can take the country forward. According the government, the advantages of the sector are the ability to generate employment as a “labour” intensive industry, and the availability of workers that can be trained in a short period of time.
Besides, as Sri Lanka has reached world-class in the garment industry, the leaders believe that footwear industry can also follow. And the availability of quality leather in South Asian countries can’t be forgotten as a huge advantage.
When it comes to South Asian Intra-regional footwear and leather exports, Sri Lanka claims the third place with 16% of region’s total exports, closely following leaders India and Bangladesh. It is also estimated that the region’s leather market potential is more than $ 2.5 Billion, three times of the actual trade levels which is encouraging news for manufacturers.
In the end of V International Footwear and Leather Fair, Rishad Bathiudeen - Minister of Industry and Commerce – said: “We believe that increased value addition in this sector can bridge this huge gap to a great extent”. Bathiudeen also said that the foreign direct investments will expand the sector beyond current export levels of US$ 31 million.
The minister believes that the fair can be a huge footstep for the sector: “this year’s international show and fashion event have brought a tremendous response from local and international participants. It will pave the way for $ 20 Bn exports by 2020 through export diversification, despite the challenging international market outlook.”
The event is increasingly gaining international attention, and has been organized by Minister Bathiudeen’s Industry and Commerce Ministry’s EDB, with co-sponsoring from Industrial Development Board of Traditional Industries and Small Enterprise Development Ministry. Apart from local exhibitors, industry reps India, Bangladesh, Poland, Iraq, Jordan and South Africa are keenly promoting their leather and footwear in Colombo this year.
The Jordanian delegation was the strongest international team of the fair, and commends important negotiations with Sri Lanka suppliers. Over 200 local and foreign exhibitors became promoters of this three day event.
The Government has identified the footwear industry as a growing industry. The industry has export potential and can take the country forward. According the government, the advantages of the sector are the ability to generate employment as a “labour” intensive industry, and the availability of workers that can be trained in a short period of time.
Besides, as Sri Lanka has reached world-class in the garment industry, the leaders believe that footwear industry can also follow. And the availability of quality leather in South Asian countries can’t be forgotten as a huge advantage.
When it comes to South Asian Intra-regional footwear and leather exports, Sri Lanka claims the third place with 16% of region’s total exports, closely following leaders India and Bangladesh. It is also estimated that the region’s leather market potential is more than $ 2.5 Billion, three times of the actual trade levels which is encouraging news for manufacturers.
In the end of V International Footwear and Leather Fair, Rishad Bathiudeen - Minister of Industry and Commerce – said: “We believe that increased value addition in this sector can bridge this huge gap to a great extent”. Bathiudeen also said that the foreign direct investments will expand the sector beyond current export levels of US$ 31 million.
The minister believes that the fair can be a huge footstep for the sector: “this year’s international show and fashion event have brought a tremendous response from local and international participants. It will pave the way for $ 20 Bn exports by 2020 through export diversification, despite the challenging international market outlook.”
The event is increasingly gaining international attention, and has been organized by Minister Bathiudeen’s Industry and Commerce Ministry’s EDB, with co-sponsoring from Industrial Development Board of Traditional Industries and Small Enterprise Development Ministry. Apart from local exhibitors, industry reps India, Bangladesh, Poland, Iraq, Jordan and South Africa are keenly promoting their leather and footwear in Colombo this year.
The Jordanian delegation was the strongest international team of the fair, and commends important negotiations with Sri Lanka suppliers. Over 200 local and foreign exhibitors became promoters of this three day event.