Cotance: Andreas Kindermann re-elected as President

The General Assembly held on the 7th of September re-elected Mr Andreas Kindermann as President of Cotance and will continue to lead Europe’s Leather industry
Back on the 7th of September 2020, Cotance gathered in Vienna (Austria) for its annual meeting with statutory elections on the agenda.
Cotance's President Andreas Kindermann (Wollsdorf, Austria) was requested to continue driving Europe’s leather industry through the Covid-19 crisis. Manuel Rios (INPELSA, Spain) was elected to the position of 1st Vice-President and forthcoming Cotance President. Philippe Joucla (Mégisserie Lauret, France) took over the Vice-President position left by Jean Christophe Muller (Tanneries Haas, France). Former Cotance's President Rino Mastrotto (Rino Mastrotto Group, Italy) completes the body’s Presidential board.
The new Cotance's Presidency received a unanimous support in the body’s first hybrid meeting mixing on-line participation with physical presence of part of the membership. The Vienna meeting was hosted by the WKÖ, Austria’s economic council, and addressed - apart from other typical statutory matters - the state of play of the impact on business of the Covid-19 crisis, leather authenticity, as well as the environmental footprint of leather.